Thursday, May 19, 2011

Will this be the end of the world???


In the news the last few days is Harold Camping's predictions of the end of the world.  According to him it is suppose to start this Friday night.  I have one question for Mr. Camping,,  "what makes you think you are better than Jesus"?

In the bible when Jesus is talking about the end times he says that no one knows when he will return but only the Father knows.  Jesus says, he does not even know.  So how come Mr. Camping thinks he knows something more than our Lord and Savior does?

The bible does give us signs to watch for that will show the end times are near.  But no one knows the exact day or hour.  I believe by these signs, the end times could be near, but not necessarily Friday night.  We are to go on about our business but keep a watchful eye.  The bible says we are to be prepared but that does not mean, stop what you are doing and pack your bags type of prepared.  Be prepared in your heart, know that you are right with the Lord.  Have your salvation!!

Will I stop my plans for this weekend just in case Mr. Camping is right?  Absolutely NOT!!  I still plan to get my garden tilled and planted before Friday evening if the weather co-operates.  I am still going to bake today for bible study tonight.  And I will still plan on being in worship services on Sunday morning.  I still plan to continue working on my business and taking care of my home.  Life will not stop for me.  I will not sit and stare at the sky based on the predictions of another human being.  I know what the bible says!!

If Mr. Camping's predictions should be right, wonderful! I am ready to meet my Lord and Savior.  But I have a strong feeling an awful lot of people are going to be very disappointed when it does not happen this Friday night.  People who have followed Mr. Camping blindly without verifying what the bible actually says.

The bible tells us to beware of false prophets and teachers.  Not all false prophets and teachers mislead us intentionally, some are mislead themselves and without verifying they take what they are told as the truth.  We must always remember to verify everything we are told with the bible.  The bible IS God's word.  It is the truth.  Always check what you are told with what the bible says.  Even if it is a well loved and trusted Pastor.  After all, they are human and can make mistakes too.

Some do mislead intentionally, but I won't go there today.  I can save that topic for another day.  But the bottom line is always do your own checking.  Keep your face in your bible every day and do not let someone mislead or fool you, whether intentional or not.  You are the only one who is responsible for your own salvation and your own walk with the Lord.  It is up to you to seek first the Kingdom of God.

Until next time,,,,,,,Blessings!!

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