As many of you know I am very interested in the Amish, their beliefs and way of life. I frequently read a few blogs related to the Amish. I have mentioned in the past and also Today on Amish America there is a wonderful interview with Ira Wagler who wrote the book, "Growing up Amish". There is also a contest to win one of 6 of the books that are being given away.
Ira Wagler grew up Amish and eventually left the Amish community for the outside world. This book tells his story and would be very interesting and enlightening to any one who has an interest in the Amish. It gives and inside view of the life of the Amish. I am sure you will be blessed both by the interview posted today on and in the book.
Here is a link to jump on over to Amish American and read the interview for yourself. Leave a post and follow the directions to be entered into the contest. Enjoy the read, it is quite interesting!!

Until next time,,,,,,,,Blessings!!
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