Well, I am just waiting on the storm to hit now. I believe I am as prepared as I can be. Extra water, candles, plenty of food, etc. I even have a few gallons of water frozen in the freezer. If we lose power those jugs of ice will come in handy to help keep food cold and fresh. Nothing left to do but wait.
I looked at the forecast and radar this morning. Still calling for up to a 1/2 inch of ice and a foot or more of snow to follow that. But when I looked at the radar I was hard pressed to see what this "extremely dangerous storm" is suppose to come out of. Of course I am not a weather man and I don't have all the computer data they have, so I have to take their word for it and then pray for it to not happen, LOL.
Usually on Mondays I meet with "the girls" for lunch here in town. I will have to play it by ear today as the weather is suppose to be pretty nasty by then. Time will tell.
In the meantime, I am working on a wine cooler in ceramics. I have to put two more coats of top glaze on and then it can go on the shelf with the other glazed items waiting to be fired. I am debating on what I want to work on next. I have a lot to choose from. Guess we will see what strikes my fancy when I sit down with the paint brush, LOL.
Hope you are prepared for the storm if you live in this area or areas that will soon be hit with it over the next couple of days. Stay warm and stay safe.
Until next time,,,,, blessings@
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