Monday, January 10, 2011

Downsizing the Government,,,,,


I knew the title of this entry would catch your eye, LOL.

We all know the economy is in pretty bad shape.  So I started thinking about things we could do to change that.  Of course I have my own plans for coping which I have written about before and will again as the mood hits me.

But why can't we downsize the government in much the way big corporations downsize?  Seems to me every time a big corporation downsizes their stocks go up and they make a huge profit.  But lets start at the top.  Do we really need a president?  After all, the president is nothing more than a figure head really.  He may propose things but if congress does not work with him, nothing is going to get accomplished.  Something to think about.  I suppose we do need some sort of person at the top, so we have someone to blame when things don't work.  Us Americans have made a tradition at blaming the President for everything that goes wrong in our lives and our country.  So lets just chew on that one a while.

What about congress?  I wonder if we could do away with half the congressional seats and just make their districts bigger.  Oh, I know, that means they would have to work harder.  But golly gee willikers, when corporate America downsizes the working class is expecting to do twice the work for the same pay or even less.  Lets cut out about half the congressional aids too.  And while we are at, I think Congressmen and Congresswomen can do with less perks and benefits.

They should have to pay income tax on their salary, and pay into social security.  Buy into a standard health insurance plan like the rest of us.  Drive their own cars to work, buy their own auto insurance and gas, just like the rest of us.  Brown bag their lunches or if they do go out to eat, pay for their meal with their own money, not an expense account.  Their retirement funds should be the standard 401K plan just like the rest of us who are lucky enough to have a retirement fund at all.

They should not be able to vote to give themselves a raise.  That should be put in the hands of the general population by vote on election day.  Not doing the best job you can?  Sorry, no raise!!

I know this next suggestion will sound off the wall to some folks, but hear me out.  I think we should do away with political parties.  No more Democrats or Republicans.  My reason for this is simple.  It needs to be put back into the hands of the people and today, we have become a people that vote the party line, no matter whether we think that particular candidate is the best person for the job.  Let's face it, its just easier.  We have become lazy.  We don't really follow in depth the candidates to really know what they stand for.  And as such this is no longer a government by and for the people.

Just imagine what would happen if the America public called most of the shots by vote.  If a candidate could not be elected solely because of the party he/she is affiliated with and actually had to prove their worth in that position.  I think they might actually try harder, and be more honest.  Just think, no more arbitrary spending, it has to be voted on first.  No more, raising or lowering taxes without a vote.  No more pay raises without a vote.  No more appointments without a vote.  We might actually become a government of, by and for the people again!!

Does that mean the America public would have to do some work and be better informed?  Yes it does!!  But you should be any way.  Does that mean you would have to get out and vote for things more often.  Yes it does!  But then we the people of the United States of America would also have to stop complaining and stop saying, "there's nothing I can do about it".  Because yes, there certainly would be something you can do about it!!  Imagine the possibilities!!

Of course, we can not stop there on downsizing the government.  We need to take stock of every governmental office right no down to our local communities.  Where can there be cuts made?  Certainly many offices are a waste of time and taxpayer money.  They serve little to no purpose.  Or they receive perks that are totally absurd.

Is this doable?  I think it is but of course it would take a lot of work and restructuring.  And most importantly, it would take changing the way of thinking in this country after so many years of just following blindly and hoping for the best.

Just my thoughts for the day,,,, until next time,,,,,  blessings!

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