Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What a nightmare of a day yesterday,,,,,,,


Yesterday started out bad and went from bad to worse it seemed.  First, my printer died.  It will not communicate with the computer at all any more.  My printer is a piece of equipment I use almost on a daily basis.  I can live without my cell phone, I can live without the TV but I can not live without my printer!!

So, I dug into my "mad" money I have been squirling away for a rainy day and ran to Wal-Mart.  I spent $60 on a new printer.  It is a printer, copier, scanner.  It is also wireless.  I went with the wireless so if Frank is on his laptop and needs to print something he can also be printing on it.  Otherwise I could have got a printer for a little less money.  I can't really complain, I had that computer several years and really used it a lot.  I got my money's worth out of it.

Then we are on our way to the VA in Decatur because Frank had to do his blood work yesterday.  We stopped at the local grocery store to get a little money out of the ATM so we could stop for a bite to eat on the way back.  Frank went into the store, I went to the mail box to drop some mail into it.  After we get back to the truck, it won't start.  It won't start!!  Ugh, we have an appointment in 40 minutes and his truck won't start.  Also in the process of all this my cell phone fell out of my pocketbook.  I had not noticed until I went to call a friend to come help us.  What next?!?

Luckily, some honest person turned my cell phone in to the grocery store.  I had decided to walk in and check with them just in case.  OK, that's good.  I try calling one friend and no answer.  Got a hold of another friend and he came to get us and take us back home so we could get my car.  In the meantime I called the VA and let them know we might be late but we will get there as fast as we can.

As it was, we made it to the VA exactly on time.  But yes, I was speeding, LOL.  I know, bad me!!!

We took care of things at the VA and went to Papa John's to get pizza to bring home for supper.  Frank ordered a pizza I can not eat.  Way too spicy for me!!  He should know by now that I do not eat spices.  I do not like the bit or my mouth burning.  I do not even eat regular black pepper.  So the pizza he ordered had "Spicy Hot Italian Sausage" on it.  To him, its mild, to me, its setting my mouth on fire and I can not breath.  During the course of the night, Frank ate an entire large pizza.  Good for him.  I ate some cheese sticks and some salad I already had in the house. 

After we ate I called both the grocery store and the police department to let them know the truck would be sitting in the lot all night.  No problem there.

Frank was not in the best of moods and neither was I.  I did not sleep 5 minutes last night.  I am definitely going to need a good nap today.

I went and did my blood work this morning and then ran by where the truck was left just to see if it would start.  It did on the first try.  So now the truck is home and will sit in the driveway until we have the money to have a new starter put on it.  Frank says its the starter.  I'll have to take his word for it, LOL.

I am one tired out ole lady today.  Please Lord, let this day be a quiet one!!  And Lord, thank you for not letting us get all the way to the VA 25 miles south of here before the truck decided it did not want to start again.  It would have been much harder to get someone to come down there to get us.  Thank you for always watching over us and protecting us!!  Thank you Jesus!!

Until next time,,,,,,, Blessings!!

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