Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ministry work and the local church,,,,,


Over the last several weeks this subject has been weighing heavy on my mind.  Ministry work and the local church.  First lets think about what ministry work really is.  I believe it is reaching out to your local community and beyond helping to provide for both the physical needs and spiritual needs of others.  Some of the physical needs would be food, shelter, clothing and furniture.  Jesus says in Matthew chapter 25 we are to, "feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and imprisoned and be hospitable to the homeless."  Does your church do these things?

While providing for the physical needs of others we can also provide for the spiritual needs by sharing the gospels.  Talking to people about the saving grace of Jesus.  Give them guidance and hope.  Share with them Christian reading materials and try to help them come to a relationship with Christ if they do not already have one.  If they are in a relationship with Christ then we can reinforce and support that relationship.  Help someone to grow in their faith.  Be encouraging to them.

I believe all Christians, no matter how far along they are in their faith walk should be ministry minded and always willing to reach out to another person.  It is our duty so to speak.  I also believe a church that is not active in ministry work is not much more than a social club where people get together once or twice a week to hang out rather than to do the work of the Lord.  A church without ministries is not setting a good example of Christian behavior to the community or world around them.  Jesus said let your light shine like a city on a hill.  It is not works that gives you salvation but works that shows you are saved.

Jesus sacrificed His life for us.  If we are to be like Jesus we must be willing to make sacrifices to help others.  It is sad to see that so many have fallen away from doing what the bible teaches us to do.  Many think, "its not my problem", or, "let someone else help, I have my own life to deal with", and other similar statements.  I wonder if those people who think these things would feel the same way if they suddenly found themselves falling on hard times?

Times are tough right now, the economy is very bad and getting worse every day.  There are more natural disasters such has hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and tornadoes, not to mention severe droughts, huge wild fires and more.  Would you reach out to a flood victim, the drought victims in Texas or victims in some other area or would you say, let the government take care of them?  Yes, I agree, FEMA needs to do what they were created for, but so do we!!  If your church is not involved in ministry work, I strongly encouraging them to start and if they refuse, I strongly encourage you to seek a church who is.  Read carefully the scriptures in Matthew 25 and hopefully you will understand why I say this is so very important.

Until next time,,,,,,,Blessings!!

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