I bet with that title you are wondering what this post is about,,,,, me too, LOL. Seriously though, the move is coming to an end and I am sliding into home plate as it were. Yes, it is dirty work!! The last two days I cleaned the house that is now empty. Why? Because I have a good reputation and want to keep it!! I might need a good reference some day and if I leave the house a mess for the land lord to clean up then I will not get one.
I'm not sure when or how it happened but somewhere along the way people have lost their core values. They could care less about their reputations. I have seen many a rental left in a shambles filled with garbage and junk for the land lords to have to clean up. And then they could not understand why they did not get a good recommendation when they went to look for another place to rent.
When I was a child my father would always tell me it does not matter how much money you have or how many things you own, your most important asset is your reputation. Keep that in tact and you have everything. I believed that and still do. Integrity is one of the most important character traits you can have. Part of integrity is of course values. The bible tells us to "let our yes be yes and our no be no". In other words, say what you mean and mean what you say. Be truthful and honest in all that you do.
Of course we are also told to treat others as we would treat ourselves or want to be treated. Do that in every aspect of your life. So, my question is, if you were the land lord would you want someone to leave your property a mess? Of course not!! So don't do it to someone else!!
I had my land lord come over yesterday and look at the house. It was the first time he had ever been in it. He bought it sight un-seen. He was amazed at how clean I had left it. He promised me a good recommendation any time I needed it. He told me how he had other tenants who left things in a horrible condition and was very surprised to see I had gone to such efforts considering my health and the fact that Frank left all the work on my shoulders and did nothing to help. Frank will never get a good reference from the land lord but I will. That goes a long way in showing the difference in characters.
Throughout my life I have tried to do the right thing. Sometimes I failed, after all, I am human and make many mistakes. But my efforts were in the right direction. I pray you also try to do the right thing and think about your reputation, character and integrity.
Until next time,,,,,,Blessings!
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