As Christians, each of us will be called to walk through the fire at some point in our lives. In other words we will all have trials and tribulations to go through. These trials and tribulations often are a way of God testing and proving us to be His children. It is how we come out on the other end of that fire that shows who and what we are. Do not be afraid!! God says, "Fear not, for I am with you." And He means it!! As we go through these trying times all we have to do is call on Him and He will help and guide us.
When I go through a fire I try to remember the 3 that were thrown into a furnace to be killed. But their faith was so great, they called upon the Lord to protect them. And He did, He was right there with them in the furnace, fire surrounding them. Yet when the furnace was shut down and the door opened, all three walked out, not a hair on their head was singed!!
The trials and tribulations of today are not nearly as bad as that of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in that fiery furnace, (Daniel 3), but you can bet God will still be with you today as He was with them!!
Each time we got through trials and tribulations or "walk through the fire" we grow stronger, we learn lessons that will help us grow in our faith. Count your "fires" as blessings. God is molding you, and teaching you. In short, He is not done with you yet!! I personally hope God is not done with me until Jesus returns!! I will gladly go through fire after fire until the glorious day when I see my Lord and Savior returning in the air to catch up His bride, His church!! What a glorious day that will be!!
We have just a few days left until Christmas, the day we celebrate the birth of Christ Jesus, let's not forget the true meaning of the "Holiday Season" and give thanks to Father God for Jesus!! And the next time you are taken through a fiery trial, think about Jesus, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and have faith that you too shall be victorious with Jesus!!
Merry Christmas and great blessings for the coming New Year!!
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