The bible teaches us to be "good stewards" of the things given to us. First we must realize that "everything" is given to us by God. Were it not for Him we would have nothing! Once you look at every aspect of your life as a precious gift from your Heavenly Father you can begin to appreciate it more and have the desire to take care of it better or to be a "good steward".
I believe that being "frugal" is a vital part of being a "good steward". If I am frugal with my grocery budget for example, then I can share some of that budget with others in need. We are also commanded to help others. So this is one way I can do it.
Part of being frugal with my grocery budget is being a bargain shopper. But if you are going to bargain shop you need to know what to do with those bargains to make the best use out of them. After all, it isn't really a bargain if you don't use it or you let it go to waste.
Recently I made a trip to the local grocery store to buy some ground beef that was on sale. I was lucky to find 3 packages that were coming close to the expiration date and had mark down coupons on them of $3 each. Each package was on sale for $6 and change so with the coupons I paid $3 and change each. That is a bargain in this day and age and I was not going to pass it up!!
Of course that was also a lot of meat so I had to do something with it and fast before the expiration date and the meat went bad. Bringing it home and throwing it in the fridge was not an option. It would have definitely spoiled before I used all that. So, I made hamburgers, meatballs and divided some for use with hamburger helper or some other quick meal project and froze them all for use later.
Below is a picture slide show of what I did with the meat. All total I got about 8 or 9 meals out of those 3 packages and paid about $10 for the meat. That's a bargain and that is being frugal!!
I call this blog "The Frugal Homestead" because any home, any where is your homestead whether you live in the country or the city. With a little planning you can have a "frugal homestead" too. There are many ways you can cut corners, trim a little from your budget here and there and be frugal and a good steward. I am a Christian so I try to base my life on biblical principles. I am old fashioned by today's standards. I believe in cooking from scratch, taking care of my home and family first. Some say I am an oddity, I say I wish more people would get back to the old ways of doing things. The world would be a much better place!!
I hope you enjoy the little presentation and it gives you some ideas about being frugal and a good steward. This will open in a new window, be patient in takes a little time to load up. You can click the pause button and advance one page at a time if you want. You can also mouse over a picture and click on it to enlarge it, click one more time to bring it back to original size.
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Until next time,,,,,,,Blessings!!